
What Are Ct Scans Used For

CT stands for computerised tomography. Information technology is sometimes called a CAT scan. Cat stands for computerised centric tomography. (Sometimes the word 'computed' is used instead of 'computerised'.)

The CT scanner looks like a behemothic thick ring. Within the wall of the scanner there is an X-ray source. Opposite the 10-ray source, on the other side of the ring, are Ten-ray detectors. You lie on a burrow which slides into the centre of the ring until the part of the body to be scanned is inside the ring. The X-ray machine within the ring rotates around your body. As it rotates effectually, the Ten-ray motorcar emits thin beams of 10-rays through your trunk, which are detected by the X-ray detectors.

CT scanner

By NithinRao (Ain piece of work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The detectors detect the strength of the X-ray beam that has passed through your body. The more dense the tissue, the less X-rays pass through. The X-ray detectors feed this information into a computer. Different types of tissue with unlike densities show up as a picture on the calculator monitor, in different colours or shades of gray. So, in effect, a motion-picture show is created by the computer of a slice (cantankerous-section) of a thin section of your body.

As the burrow moves slowly through the ring, the X-ray beam passes through the side by side department of your torso. So, several cross-exclusive pictures of the function of your body being investigated are fabricated past the calculator. Newer scanners tin can even produce 3-dimensional pictures from the data received from the various slices of the role of the body being scanned.

A CT scan can be washed on any section of the caput or trunk. Information technology can give clear pictures of bones. It as well gives clear pictures of soft tissues, which an ordinary 10-ray test cannot show, such as muscles, organs, large blood vessels, the brain and nerves. The virtually commonly performed CT scan is of the brain - to determine the cause of a stroke, or to assess serious caput injuries. Other uses of a CT browse include:

  • To detect abnormalities in the trunk, such as tumours, abscesses, abnormal blood vessels, etc, when they are suspected by symptoms or other tests.
  • To give a surgeon a clear picture show of an surface area of your torso earlier certain types of surgery.
  • To pinpoint the exact site of tumours prior to radiotherapy.
  • To aid doctors observe the right place to take tissue samples (biopsies).

Usually very little. Information technology depends on which part of your body is to be scanned. You will exist given instructions past the CT department appropriate for the browse to be washed. Every bit a general rule, you will need to remove any metallic objects from your body, such every bit jewellery, hair clips, etc. It is best not to wear clothes with metal zips, studs, etc. Yous may be asked non to consume or beverage for a few hours before your scan - depending on the part of your body to be scanned. If you need an injection of dissimilarity, as described below, it may be necessary to finish certain medicines before the procedure. This may utilize to people taking metformin, a medicine used to treat diabetes. If y'all are taking this medication your doc should give you instructions nearly what to exercise.

In some situations, depending on what part of the body is being scanned, one of the post-obit may be needed. These aim to block a certain amount of X-ray going through various tissues. This helps to give meliorate contrast between different organs and tissues on the scan pictures.

  • For abdominal and pelvic scans you may be asked to take a special drink earlier the scan. This helps to show upwardly the tum and bowel more clearly.
  • For pelvic scans, some fluid may be put into your dorsum passage (rectum).
  • For pelvic scans, women may exist asked to insert a tampon into the vagina.
  • Sometimes a dye (dissimilarity amanuensis) is injected into the bloodstream via a vein in your arm. The dye may give you a flushing feeling and an odd sense of taste in your mouth, which soon goes.

The CT scan itself is painless. You lot cannot see or feel X-rays. You will be asked to stay as still as possible, every bit otherwise the scan pictures may be blurred. Conventional CT scans can have between 5-xxx minutes, depending on which part (or parts) of the body is being scanned. More modern CT scans (helical CT scans) have less than a minute and also use less radiation.

Considering the scan uses Ten-rays, other people should not be in the same room. The operator controls the movement of the couch and scanner from behind a screen or in a separate command room. (This protects them from repeated exposure to X-rays.) However, y'all can talk to them, unremarkably via an intercom, and you will be observed at all times on a monitor.

Some people experience a little broken-hearted or claustrophobic in the scanner room when they are on their ain. A mild sedative may be offered if yous are peculiarly broken-hearted.

Yous can render to your normal activities as soon as the scan is over. Even so, if you had a sedative for the browse, you lot will need someone to accompany yous home. Y'all will not be able to drive until the effect of the allaying wears off.

The pictures from the scan are studied by an 10-ray doctor (radiologist) who sends a report to the doc who requested the scan.

Complications are rare. Rarely, some people accept an allergic reaction to the dye (contrast agent) which is sometimes used. This can exist treated immediately. Very rarely, the dye may cause some kidney damage, most commonly in people already known to accept kidney issues.

Pregnant women

If possible, pregnant women should not have a CT scan, as there is a pocket-size take a chance that 10-rays may cause an aberration to the unborn child.

Risks of X-ray radiations used in CT scans

CT scans use X-rays, which are a type of radiation. Exposure to big doses of radiation is linked to developing cancer or leukaemia - ofttimes many years later.

The dose of 10-ray radiation needed for a CT scan is much more than than for a single X-ray picture but is even so by and large quite a low dose. The gamble of harm from the dose of radiation used in CT scanning is idea to be very pocket-size but it is not totally without risk. As a rule, the higher the dose of radiation, the greater the risk. And then, for case, the larger the part of the body scanned, the greater the radiation dose. And, repeat CT scans over fourth dimension crusade an overall increase of dose. Also, the younger you are when you accept a CT scan, the greater the lifetime risk of developing cancer or leukaemia.

Diverse studies accept aimed to estimate the take chances of developing cancer or leukaemia post-obit a CT scan (come across 'Farther reading' below). In general, the adventure is small. In many situations, the benefit of a CT scan greatly outweighs the risk. However, every bit the same study concludes: ... "although clinical benefits should outweigh the pocket-sized absolute risks, radiations doses from CT scans ought to be kept as low as possible and alternative procedures, which exercise not involve ionising radiation, should be considered if appropriate."

Because of the pocket-size risk, the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiations in the Surround (COMARE) has recommended that routine whole-body CT scans should non be offered to people without symptoms equally role of 'health checks'. They also offer various other recommendations on the use of CT scans (come across 'Further reading' below).

What Are Ct Scans Used For,


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