
How To Use Diabetic Patch Sumifun

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Plasters of diabetes mellitus



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Violation of the pancreas leads to endocrine pathologies. For their treatment, there are many tools, one of which - plasters from diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is ane of the almost common and unsafe diseases of the endocrine system. The disease is caused by a deficiency in the production of the hormone insulin and a violation of its outcome on the body. There are also a number of other factors that can provoke a painful condition.

Every day diabetics are seriously endangered, because the untimely utilise of insulin injection can lead to decease. But at that place are other, more unproblematic to use drugs to support the body. I such remedy is plasters from diabetes. Their action is aimed at reducing glycemia and improving overall well-being. To date, there are such antidiabetic patches:

  • Anti Hyperglycemia Patch
  • Dzhi Dao
  • TangDaFu
  • Claret Sugar Diabetic Plaster
  • Diabetic Patch

The above mentioned means are quite popular in Europe and Asia, although they are produced in China. Unfortunately, diabetes is an incurable illness, but it is acquiescent to correction. For this, the patient is made up of private therapy schemes aimed at compensating hormones.

trusted-source[1], [2], [three], [4], [v]

Indications of the plaster from diabetes

To appointment, plasters for diabetes are gaining popularity. The therapeutic agent is indicated for use primarily for patients with a second blazon of disease. The drug has such an effect on the trunk:

  • Normalization of glucose level in the blood due to plant components.
  • Stimulation of the processes of regeneration of the epidermis.
  • Enhance the protective properties of the allowed arrangement.
  • Normalization of cholesterol.
  • Regulation of claret pressure level.
  • Strengthening of the walls of claret vessels.
  • Restoration of the body with hormonal disorders.
  • Improvement of overall well-being.
  • Destruction of pathogens.

The composition of the plaster includes components of plant origin, which do not have an adverse event on the trunk. Another reward of the tool in its practicality, that is, it is suitable for both obese patients and elderly people. In this instance, the therapeutic effect persists for an extended period of time. Before applying the patch, you must e'er consult an endocrinologist.

trusted-source[six], [7], [viii], [9], [10]

Release course

trusted-source[xi], [12], [13]

Chinese plaster ji dao from diabetes

A popular Chinese herbal remedy for diabetes is the ji dao plaster. The drug is an herbal composition practical to a pasty tissue. Useful substances penetrate into the claret without dissentious the skin and spread throughout the body. Ji Tao minimizes the symptoms of blazon 1 and type ii diabetes.

Therapeutic event of the drug:

  • Reduces cholesterol.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • It restores the hormonal balance.
  • Maintains the health of the cardiovascular organization.
  • Increases the forcefulness and elasticity of the walls of the vessels.
  • Removes harmful substances from the body.

Counterbalanced plant composition, has a complex event on the torso. The composition of Dzhi Dao includes such components:

  • Licorice root - the institute contains steroid saponins, which are involved in hormonal synthesis. Licorice lowers cholesterol and saturates the blood with oxygen.
  • Seeds of rice seed - in the medicine there is an extract from rice seeds, which cleans the blood, removes toxins and toxins.
  • The rhizome of the bonfire removes the pain in the belly and normalizes the performance of the digestive tract. Improves the outflow of bile from the liver, prevents vomiting and acidic eructations.
  • The root of anemarenes is a popular institute of oriental medicine. Tones and nourishes tissues, improves overall well-being.
  • Trichozant - restores and supports the immune system. Information technology struggles with complications of diabetes.

The method of awarding of the drug is transdermal. The plaster is attached to the feet, which comprise a lot of active points, responsible for the vessels and internal organs. The skin should exist thoroughly rinsed and wiped, patch paste massaging movements. The drug is left for viii hours, and then removed, washed and left the next day.

The duration of application of one strip is 14 days. The full elapsing of the course of therapy is 28 days. That is, y'all need ii patches for treatment. To reach a stable therapeutic effect, you should take ii-3 courses.

Chinese plaster is contraindicated for children under 12 years and significant, as well equally with intolerance of its active components. Do not apply on pare with damage.

trusted-source[14], [15], [16], [17]

Plaster diabetic patch from diabetes mellitus

To maintain normal blood sugar levels with endocrine disorders, you can use diabetic patch. The agent acts transdermally - through the omphalos. Information technology includes establish extracts that eliminate signs of illness: rhizome anemarrene and remanii, berber in, trichosantum, arrowroot, astragalus, pit, borneol.

Diabetic patch has these properties:

  • Maintains normal blood saccharide levels.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Increases the patency and elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Prevents formation of blood clots.
  • Removes edemas and restores trophic tissue.
  • Eliminates paresthesia of the lower extremities.

To apply the patch, it is necessary to remove the protective film from it and stick it to the washed omphalos. During wearing, the plaster should exist protected from water, that is, during a bath or shower, it is ameliorate to remove it. Afterwards 3-4 days the agent needs to be changed, allowing the pare to rest for 3-5 hours. The minimum course of treatment is 5 patches.

Diabetic patch is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to its components, skin lesions and open wounds, exacerbation of dermatological diseases, also as during pregnancy. Before applying the drug, you should determine the level of sugar in the blood.

Plaque blood sugar diabetic from diabetes

Another transdermal ways to maintain a normal claret saccharide level is the Claret carbohydrate diabetic patch. It has a natural constitute composition and is canonical for use at any phase of diabetes. The preparation contains rhizome anemarrene, licorice root and koptis, trichozant and rice seeds.

Advantages of blood sugar diabetic:

  • Ease of use.
  • Long-term therapeutic event, which persists even subsequently treatment.
  • Rubber for the trunk, in item for the gastrointestinal tract (does not contain chemical components).
  • Does not harm the pare.

Later on application to the pare, the product begins to release active components that are captivated well through the skin, enter the systemic circulation and are carried throughout the body. Chinese Blood saccharide diabetic affects the causes of the disease, not the symptoms. That is, the action of its components is aimed at eliminating the pathological factors of diabetes.

Therapeutic action:

  • Reduction of claret sugar.
  • Restoration of the walls of claret vessels.
  • Normalization of the hormonal balance.
  • Correction of immunodeficiency states.
  • Normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  • Excretion of harmful substances from the body.

Prolonged use of the drug contributes to the restoration of the pancreas. Thanks to this, the body begins to independently produce the necessary insulin. Plaster is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to its components, during pregnancy and lactation, for patients younger than 12 years. Blood sugar diabetic is not immune to be practical to fresh wounds and other peel lesions.

To attain a stable therapeutic issue, the patch should be attached in the omphalus area. This area contains many blood vessels that quickly blot and spread the medicinal components throughout the body. The patch tin can exist worn for viii-12 hours, and then remove, thoroughly wash the skin and repeat the procedure the side by side day.

In the early on days of using Blood carbohydrate diabetic, insulin injections may be required, so you need to monitor blood saccharide levels. The principal course of treatment takes 3-4 weeks, but if necessary, the disease is prevented.

Bio plaster from diabetes

Transdermal patches from diabetes consist of plant components with pronounced therapeutic properties. That is, such drugs can exist classified as absolutely rubber for the body. The bio-patch is easily attached to the peel, and its active substances hands penetrate through the layers of the dermis into the systemic bloodstream. This action of the drug improves blood circulation and normalizes the level of glucose.

Consider the popular bioplastics:

  • Anti hyperglycemia Patch

Suitable for correction of all forms and stages of diabetes. It has 100% natural composition: licorice, rhizomes of coptic, seeds of seed rice, anemarena, trichozant. All components accept the maximum synergistic effect, that is, each substance enhances the effect of the other.

Reduces the side effects of the endocrine disorder. Regulates hormonal balance and cholesterol. Strengthens the vascular walls and normalizes blood pressure. Clears from toxins and toxins, has a benign result on the cardiovascular arrangement.

  • TangDaFu

A unique medicinal product with a vegetable limerick. Its active components penetrate deep layers of the skin and spread throughout the body. The composition of the plaster includes yam, borneol, astragalus, marenta and other substances. The agent is applied to the pare about the navel and left for 1-iii days. During the water procedures, the patch should exist removed. The full form of treatment consists of 15-30 patches, that is, 3-6 packs.


Diabetic patches are alternative drugs used for both treatment and prevention of the disease. The transdermal agent is glued to the peel and its agile components are absorbed into the systemic circulation.

This mechanism of action does not touch the gastrointestinal tract and allows to avoid a decrease in the action of the drug due to gastric metabolism. This reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

The transdermal agent, in comparison with oral assistants, has a more than rapid and effective event. The patch provides a constant concentration of active substances in the blood. Also, the frequency of the drug is reduced.

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The processes of absorption, distribution and metabolism, that is, the pharmacokinetic features of the plaster from diabetes, are based on the continuous supply of drugs into the systemic bloodstream through intact skin.

The transdermal form of the drug is a controlled release drug release engineering. Blood flow provides a constant level of concentration of active components, close to the minimum therapeutic effect. Excretion occurs with sweating and during urination.

trusted-source[25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31]

Dosing and administration

The effectiveness of the antidiabetic patch depends on the correctness of its utilize and dosage. The bones rules of using the transdermal patch:

  • The remedy is most often attached to a well-washed peel nearly the navel or to the anxiety, since according to the opinion of eastern doctors, energy channels intersect at this identify. If there are hairs on the torso at the fixing site, then information technology is amend to shave them off so that painful sensations do not arise during tearing.
  • Packaging should exist opened immediately before use. With the patch you demand to remove the protective moving picture and attach it well to the skin, earlier massaging it to enhance claret flow and better distribution of medicinal components.
  • The duration of one patch application is half-dozen-11 hours. A more authentic time can only be established by an endocrinologist with the systematic determination of blood sugar levels. At home, it tin can be washed using a meter.
  • Later the terminate of the action, the adhesive strip should be carefully removed from the skin, and launder it with warm soapy water. Attach the next adhesive patch in 6-viii hours. The elapsing of the course is 28-30 days.

The therapeutic effect is noticeable subsequently 2-iii days. Many patients written report an improvement in the full general condition and recovery of blood glucose levels. Treatment is recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a twelvemonth with a mandatory break in 1-2 months.

trusted-source[45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [l]

Use of the plaster from diabetes during pregnancy

The possibility of using antidiabetic patches during pregnancy and lactation should be determined past the attending physician. In most cases, transdermal drugs are non recommended. This is associated with the risk of adverse reactions in both the mother and fetus due to the action of active components of the patch penetrating the systemic bloodstream. The safest method of correcting diabetes during pregnancy is by injecting insulin.


Despite the vegetative limerick, antidiabetic patches have contraindications for use:

  • Individual intolerance of active components.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Child age of the patient.

Bioplastics from diabetes mellitus are prohibited from gluing on damaged skin. Before applying the product, it is necessary to wait for complete restoration of the epidermis.

trusted-source[32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38]

Side effects of the plaster from diabetes

The evolution of side furnishings is most oft manifested by local allergic reactions from the skin and subcutaneous fat. On the body there are reddening, itching, burning, rashes with blisters and pustules. In rare cases, contact dermatitis may develop. For treatment, withdrawal of the drug and further symptomatic therapy are indicated.

trusted-source[39], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44]


Cases of overdose with transdermal antidiabetics have not been documented. This is due to the fact that the active components create a minimal therapeutic level in the systemic circulation. Adverse reactions can develop only if the drug is misused.

trusted-source[51], [52]

Interactions with other drugs

Systemic absorption of the active components of Chinese plasters from diabetes is very low in comparison with oral assistants. Based on this interaction with other drugs is unlikely.

trusted-source[53], [54], [55], [56]

Storage conditions

Anti-diabetic patches should be stored in their original packaging, away from sunlight, moisture and inaccessible to children. Storage temperature should not exist higher up 25 ° C. The medicine can be kept in the refrigerator at ii-8 ° C.

trusted-source[57], [58], [59]

Shelf life

According to the instructions, the expiration date of the agglutinative is 24 months from the date of its industry. Open ways must be used within xxx days. The use of an overdue grooming threatens the development of allergic reactions.

trusted-source[60], [61], [62]

Doc's comments

Co-ordinate to the doctors' reviews, antidiabetic patches do assist normalize the level of glucose and glycolized plasma proteins in the blood. Useful properties of the drug optimize the functioning of the thyroid gland, stabilize the level of blood pressure and improve overall wellness.

In this instance, plasters from diabetes are not a full replacement for insulin injections. When choosing a transdermal production, you should pay attention not only to the menstruum of its validity or limerick, but also to the originality of the drug. Information technology is likewise necessary to regularly monitor blood glucose levels.

trusted-source[63], [64], [65]


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Plasters of diabetes mellitus" translated and presented in a special form on the footing of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Earlier utilize read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for advisory purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

Translation Disclaimer: The original language of this article is Russian. For the convenience of users of the iLive portal who practise non speak Russian, this article has been translated into the current linguistic communication, just has not nonetheless been verified by a native speaker who has the necessary qualifications for this. In this regard, nosotros warn y'all that the translation of this article may exist incorrect, may contain lexical, syntactic and grammatical errors.

How To Use Diabetic Patch Sumifun,


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